
Kutia is an Eastern European dish (mainly Eastern Poland and Ukraine, but also Belorussia, and Russia), served at Christmas Time. In parts of Poland it is a must-have dish for Christmas Eve.

To make kutia, you first need to prepare three ingredients, which are then mixed at least a few to 24 hours before serving. The ingredients can be prepared several days in advance. These ingredients are:

  • Cooked kutia (wheat grains)
  • Poppy seeds sweettened with honey
  • Dried fruit compote
  • Additionally, chopped hazelnuts (about 1 1/4 cup) and raisins.

Wheat (kutia)


250 gWheat berries for kutia (cleaned of the outer husk)


  1. Pour hot water over the wheat so that it is well coated, and let it rest for one hour (you can do it in a Rice Cooker).
  2. Cook the wheat until tender, preferably in a Rice Cooker using the setting for Brown Rice and adding water to the level equivalent to two scoops of brown rice.
  3. It can be refrigerated for a few days, but must not be frozen.

    Poppy Seed


    300 gPoppy seeds
    approx. 1/2 -2/3 cup (to taste)Liquid honey


    1. Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds so that they are well coated. You can decant the water and pour a second portion of boiling water, to make poppy seeds softer.
    2. Once it has cooled, filter poppy seeds through a sieve and let it drain well, then grind it 3 times through a meat grinder.
    3. Season with honey, to taste, but so that all the grains are thoroughly surrounded by honey.
    4. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks.

    Dried fruit compote


    1/2 to 3/4 cupSugar
    4 L Water
    75-100 gDried apples
    250 – 300gPrunes
    150 – 200 gRaisins
    200 gOther dried fruit (pears, peaches, etc.)


    1. Put the fruits in a pot, add water and sugar.
    2. Bring to boil and cook over low heat for 45 – 60 minutes.
    3. If necessary, top up the evaporated water with boiling water.
    4. Let it cool.
    5. Store in the refrigerator until used (maximum approx. a week).

    Preparation of the dish

    1. Prepare in portions for one to two days ahead of time (at least a couple of hours, but better leave overnight in a fridge)
    2. Mix the cooked wheat with the compote (just the liquid), trying to separate the glued grains. Add enough compote to make the kutia a little more watery than it is supposed to be when served.
    3. The wheat will absorb some water while sitting in a fridge. You can add some compote immediately before serving if needed.
    4. Check the taste and sweeten with honey if desired.
    5. Add some raisins and chopped hazelnuts.
    6. Store in a fridge until serving.

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